First 36.7 - RokoOLD- no
Osnovne informacije
ROKO is a racing version of First 36.7 Beneteau - reputable french boat manufacturer, with draught of 2,3 m. It is equipped with set of B & G instruments. - 2 multirepeater with 3 simultaneously data display, analog wind instrument, control unit for hidraulic autopilot and route computer, and chartplotter is placed near the navigation desk. 6 persons can sleep comfortabely in 3 separated cabins, and 2 more in the saloon. At the disposal guests have 1 toilette with shower and hot water, as well as stern shower. Standard charter equipment – Sandwich sails, main sail semifull batten, sun tent is integrated into the lazy bag, dynema strings, double spi sheets. Subsea part is painted with special racing coat Venezziani spidy carbonium. The boat is renovated in 2006 (sails, motor, strings…). Roko accomplished a lot of remarkable racing results and as an option we have a couple sets of racing sails (North sails ), tuff luff, carbon spi poole!
Tehničke karakteristike
- Širina: 3.45 m
- Gaz: 2.20 m
- Istisnina: 5870.00 kg
- Motor: 29 HP
- Rezervoar za gorivo: 75.00 l
- Rezervoar za vodu: 300.00 l
Cijena (2025)
Obavezne dodatne opcije:
Transit log / završno čišćenje till 45 feet: 180,00 € po rezervaciji, Goverment touristic tax / person 1,6€ / dan / person: 1,60 € po osobi/noćenjuDodatne opcije:
Sailing club membership: 0,00 € po rezervaciji, Jednosmjeran pristojba: 300,00 € po rezervaciji, Spinaker till 45 feet: 150,00 € po rezervaciji, Prijenos iz zadar airport: 120,00 € po rezervaciji, Sigurnosne mreže: 70,00 € po rezervaciji, Skiper till 45 feet: 120,00 € po noćenju, Roll drifter: 250,00 € po rezervaciji, Prijenos to zadar airport: 120,00 € po rezervaciji, Prijenos to trogir airport: 80,00 € po rezervaciji, Domaćica: 100,00 € po noćenju, Racing sails paket 36.7 north sails: 600,00 € po rezervaciji, Regatta pristojba: 0,00 € po rezervaciji, Orc certificate: 100,00 € po rezervaciji, Vanbrodski motor: 80,00 € po rezervaciji, Prijenos iz trogir airport: 80,00 € po rezervaciji*Sve cijene su u EUR